Lightstream Bible
Training College

LBTC avails you the opportunity to find meaning in God's Word with all the support and encouragement you need. We want to hold you by the hand through a path of discovery until you see what God sees in you.


Learning God’s Word can be a delight.

Bible study is like digging for water in a dry place -- an arduous task with a far-reaching reward of refreshing water.
Diligent labor breaks into a delightful bed of treasures that cannot be exhausted. The Bible is a limitless deposit of riches that no one can get enough of. It delights the souls of all who would dig.
Our well-tailored modules and a systematic teaching approach will deepen your knowledge of Jesus and fill your heart with His delights.

Our Objectives

Our Courses are hinged on four main objectives that align with our blanket vision.

To come to know the Lord Jesus in a personal yet communal way.
To develop an interest in God’s word and to imbibe the discipline of study, comprehension and sharing the scriptures.
To discover the possibilities of the expressions of God’s Word in everyday life through precepts and by examples.
To become effective members of local churches serving her with substance and enthusiasm.

An Extraordinary Story; Ordinary People.

The Bible is God’s story, as much as it is our story; God’s intention for creation, God’s redemptive work, God’s partnership with man. It is about what God does and continues to do.

However, the most intriguing fact of scriptures is how God writes ordinary men into His story. As you study the Bible, you will find that God is so consumed with the thoughts of the man He made that He centers all He does around this man.

So loud is this phenomenon that the Psalmist quizzed “what is this miserable man, that thoughts of him fills your heart?”. God will go on to partner with man even in His eternal plan; Ordinary men!

Even today, God continues to write His story all over the earth, and He still writes men into His story; ordinary men like you and I. At LBTC, we are ordinary people indwelt by the risen Christ at the center of an extraordinary story. You too can find meaning as you learn about and partake in the most beautiful story ever told in the Bible.

Our Courses

1 The Taster Weeks

Your first steps into a lifetime journey of knowing Jesus personally..

2 Lightstream Bible Course

A basic course in Biblical Studies, Biblical Theology, and Systematic Theology

3 Lightstream Advanced Bible Course

An advanced approach to Biblical Studies, Biblical Theology, and Systematic Theology

A community that supports

Our LBTC Team who also double as group Pastors are highly skilled and trusted hands with the proper ministerial training and experience to help you find your balance in the College. They will also be available as you navigate your way through the taster weeks’ experience.
Our team will ensure you go through the course to finish it. We are also always eager to lend a listening ear to questions from all our students from different backgounds and varied experiences.