Who We Are

Whitefield Missions is a mission-based Christian organization with the purpose of raising ministers of the Gospel and missionaries in every nation of the world. We are persuaded that the instruction of Jesus Christ to Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations implies that every believer should be a student of God’s Word who is being trained and taught to be an effective minister of the Gospel. We treat this instruction with utmost urgency in our hearts because, as Jesus said, the fields are already white for harvest, and the harvest truly is plenty, but the labourers are few.

Our Purpose

We are ever moving with the mandate of raising one million (1 million) missionaries for Jesus in every generation, by training and inspiring believers to participate in the work of soul-winning, which we believe is the primary and greatest purpose of the Church today.

Our Ministries

To fulfil this vision, we have sought to employ every means within our reach, and as God has led us, to train and disciple people to be efficient labourers in the great harvest, while we reach even more with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Our various ministry arms are as follows:

CrossWalk Church

Our Local Church Structure where we have believers consistently taught and trained to be effective disciples, and consequently effective ministers of the Gospel. We believe the local Church is God’s design for every believer to grow. We currently have 12 local Church groups across South-Western Nigeria.

Metamorphoō Nation

A community set up to mentor and disciple teenagers and secondary school students with the hope of preserving the younger generation for the Lord. We know that the seed of God’s Word will have the chance to grow in a heart only when it is planted. We claim these young ones early enough for Jesus and rescue those who have been victims of the evils of this present age.

Transcend Worship

A community set up to mentor and disciple teenagers and secondary school students with the hope of preserving the younger generation for the Lord. We know that the seed of God’s Word will have the chance to grow in a heart only when it is planted. We claim these young ones early enough for Jesus and rescue those who have been victims of the evils of this present age.

Lightstream Media

A community set up to mentor and disciple teenagers and secondary school students with the hope of preserving the younger generation for the Lord. We know that the seed of God’s Word will have the chance to grow in a heart only when it is planted. We claim these young ones early enough for Jesus and rescue those who have been victims of the evils of this present age.


The heart of our ministry and purpose. We bear the burden of God upon our hearts for the nations and tribes and communities yet to be dominated with the Good News. Through the power of prayer, we shine the light of the glory of Jesus in prisons, rural communities and entire nations.

Our Conferences

Metamorphoō Boot Camp We gather together children and teenagers, secondary school students and school leavers alike, for a life-changing experience. We long to see more young folks burn with the fire of the Holy Ghost with total surrender to the purpose of God.

Haystack Conference An annual conference where we gather to pray for the spread of the Gospel in the nations of the world, while more are ignited with the passion to fulfil the Great Commission. Haystack Conference holds first weekend in October.

Passion Conference We storm campuses and communities to raise missionaries of students in tertiary educational institutions while we reach even more with the Gospel.

Katartismos Congress A 6-day annual conference which focuses on inspiring and equipping more ministers and leaders for the work of ministry through intense teaching and prayers.

O God, in mercy bless us; let your face beam with joy as you look down at us. Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and your eternal plan for all mankind.

Psalm 67:1-2 (LB)The one who is blessed, and has received mercy is the one that is sent to bear the wonderful message of God's Salvation to the nations.

Fred Adekunle

President, Whitefield Missions